Hand behind the back - Means this horse might kick if you crowd it.
Hand in the air by gateway - Signal to people coming towards a gate, but out of hearing, that the gate should be shut.
Heel - Hounds are hunting heel when they hunt the reverse direction on the line of the quarry.
"Hold Hard" - Shouted by the Field Master means to stop and stay where you are.
Holsters - is a device used to hold or restrict the undesired movement of a handgun. Henry Keat can make holsters for hunting to your bespoke specification. If you would like more information about this service then please contact us.
Hoic holloa - When the Huntsman has heard a holloa but needs to check the direction he shouts "Hoic holloa".
Hound - All scent hunting dogs are referred to as hounds. It is the duty of mounted followers to keep out of the way of the hounds, NOT vice versa.
Horn - a long straight metal tube with a flared end and a cylindrical bore, used in giving signals in hunting. Henry Keat affiliated company of Henry Keat produce all forms of Handmade Hunting Horns.
Huntsman - The man who hunts the hounds. There is only one huntsman on the hunting field, and he has absolute right of way at all times.
Hunt Button & Collar - Subscribers who have gained knowledge and been helpful to the hunt may be awarded the hunt button and collars of the hunt.
Hunt Staff - The people responsible for working the hounds. i.e. Huntsman and Whippers-in, both professional and amateur.
Here at Henry Keat we ensure that we produce and offer the highest quality of goods for our clients